Sunday, 19 April 2015

Happy Birth Day

Happy Birth Day
1.Once upon time
There was a queen
Cute and talent
Lovely and silent
Only one child
Jasmine in summer
In the heart of mine.
2. Once upon time 
There was a queen
Busy and easy
Right and choosy
No pride and hide
OH! My lovely
Breeze among the wind
In breathe of mine. 
3. Once upon time
There was a queen
No mine and thine
Happy and hoppy
OH! Tinker bell
Light in darkness
In the vision of mine.
4. Once of time
There was a queen
Childish and stylish
Fluent in Hindi and English
Friendly and smiley
Oh! Innocent divine
Excuse all fault of mine
           -From your parents


A piece of ice with a stone frozen into it, is floating in a glass vessel filled with water. If the ice melts completely, then level of water in the vessel will

Solution : Volume of melted ice=water  is less than ice ,then stone volume would remain unchanged ,therefore ,the level of water would fal...